The Copyist is a collection of handwritten music and text fonts with lots of personality. Nothing else will get you as close to the look and feel of the classic Broadway scores in the style of East Coast copyists. The Copyist features more than 1400 music symbols, giving you ultimate flexibility in the look of your score.
The Copyist fonts are SMuFL-compliant and work on both Mac and Windows.
Designed by: Nor Eddine Bahha
Compatible with: Dorico, Finale v27+
One purchase includes music and text fonts:
- The Copyist
- The Copyist Alpha-Bold Italic
- The Copyist Alpha-Bold
- The Copyist Alpha-Heavy Italic
- The Copyist Alpha-Heavy
- The Copyist Alpha-Italic
- The Copyist Alpha-Light Italic
- The Copyist Alpha-Light
- The Copyist Alpha-Regular
- The Copyist Numbers
- The Copyist Text
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