This is a Finale plug-in for manipulation/editing of measure number regions and measure numbers.
It has the following features:
- Create – Creates a new measure number region that covers the current selection, and splits the underlying region into adjacent regions.
- Join Adjacent Regions – Joins adjacent measure number regions within the selection into one long region. The settings for the earliest region will be used.
- Inherit Adjacent Region Settings – Copies the visual appearance and positioning from the adjacent region. The earliest region’s settings will be used. Useful for exampe if one visual change in one region should be transferred to other regions.
- Delete – Deletes measure number regions that start and end within the current selection. Measure number regions that span the whole document are not affected.
- Cover Holes – Covers measures that lacks measure numbering by extending a previous measure number region.
- Select Previous/Next – Selects the previous/next measure number region in the document.
- Offset Numbering – Changes the relative numbering of the regions that are fully covered by the selection. The value can be both negative and positive.
- Offset Location – Moves the regions location relatively in the document by a measure offset. Regions that are fully covered by the selection are moved.
- Remove Manual Positioning – Resets manually positioned measure numbers in the selection to their default positions.
- Reset Defaults – Deletes all manual edits (forced to be shown/hidden or repositioned) in the selection, to revert to the defaults.
- Align Manual Edits – Top (or Bottom) – Aligns all manual edits in the selection to the highest (or lowest) position found. Each measure number region is treated independently.
- Align All Numbers – Top (or Bottom) – Aligns all numbers in the selection to the highest (or lowest) position found. Each measure number region is treated independently.
- Numbering Style – Changes the numbering style for the measure number region(s) that are fully covered by the selection.
- Prefix/Suffix – Changes the prefix and suffix text for the measure number region(s) that are fully covered by the selection.
- Font Size – Sets the font size (in points) in the region(s) that are fully covered by the selection.
- Relative Font Size – Changes the font size relatively to the current size for measure number regions that are fully covered by the selection.
- Font Style – Changes the font style for measure number regions that fully are covered by the selection.
- Use Document Options Font – Copies the current default font for Measure Numbers to the score (or parts) panel of the region.
- Count Regions – Reports the number of measure number regions that fully or partially covers the selected measures.
- Find Hole – Reports the number of measures in the selection that aren’t covered by a measure number region.
- Find Overlap – Reports the number of measures in the selection that are covered by more than one measure number region at the same time.
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