A simple yet powerful Stream Deck profile that triggers the most common Zoom functions.
Mute, unmute, start and stop video, screen share, recording, chat and more. Toggle full screen and Speaker View or Gallery view, right from your Stream Deck console, or your iPhone or Android phone running the the Stream Deck Mobile app.
Download, double-click, and start Zooming in seconds with Express VC.
The Stream Deck console and Stream Deck Mobile are not included with your purchase of the Express VC Stream Deck Profile for Zoom.
Pro tip!
If you want to control Zoom even when it’s not in focus (in the foreground), head over to the Zoom Preferences (or Settings) and open the Keyboard Shortcuts tab. Check the boxes for Enable Global Shortcut — this way you can be working in another app but still control Zoom using Stream Deck.
Just take note of any Zoom global shortcuts that might have the effect of disabling one in another app. If this happens — for instance, if you are using an app which uses the same Command-Shift-H Mac shortcut (Alt+H on Windows) for something as Zoom does for Chat — you can always edit the shortcut in Zoom.
Bear in mind you’ll need to make the same edit in the Express VC Stream Deck profile as well.
Be aware: Show meeting controls so that the icons update on the Stream Deck
Zoom may automatically hide the meeting controls by default, which may prevent the Stream Deck from accurately knowing the state of some settings, like whether the call is muted or unmuted for instance. So that the Express VC Stream Deck profile dynamically displays the correct icon to match what is shown on the screen, head over to the Zoom Preferences (or Settings), and, in General, check Always show meeting controls.
New in version 2 on Mac and Windows!
With version 2 you will find the following enhancements, new since the first version:
- Mute/Unmute icons dynamically update based on Zoom status
- Start/Stop Video icons dynamically update based on Zoom status
- Start/Stop Screen Share icons dynamically update based on Zoom status
- New Bring Zoom into focus button
- New Leave (End) Meeting button. If you are the host, this will end the meeting. If you are a participant, you will leave the meeting
- Start/Stop Local Record icons dynamically update based on Zoom status (Mac only)
- Mute All Except Host is renamed Mute All Participants and now uses a plugin instead of the shortcut
- Unmute All Except Host is renamed Ask All to Unmute and now uses a plugin instead of the shortcut
- Mute/Unmute, Start/Stop Video, and Start/Stop Screen Share now have “neutral” icons when Zoom session is not active, and will dynamically update once a Zoom session begins (plus Start/Stop Local Record on Mac)
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